How to installation:
Go to a terminal and type:
$sudo apt-get install aptitude python-keyring python-statgrab ttf-ubuntu-font-family hddtemp curl lm-sensors conky-all
$sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp
$sudo sensors-detect #answering Yes (default) to all questions, even that last one that defaults to No
Now restart your session
Download and extract the and type in terminal in the same directory that has been extracted.
$sudo make install
$conky-colors {options}
$conky-colors --help [for help]
Ex: if your cpu is quad-core and you want the noble color, with hd, network and pidgin monitor and all in portuguese.
You can only choose one of the themes offered conky-color by copying and pasting in the terminal
conky-colors --lang=en --theme=human --cpu=2 --cputemp --swap --updates --proc=5 --hd=default --network
conky-colors --cpu=2 --calendar --photord --clementine=cd --hd=default --network --theme=wise
conky-colors --sls --weather=brxx0043 --theme=orange
conky-colors --cairo --cpu=2 --clock=cairo --network --theme=blue
conky-colors --ring --network --theme=red
conky-colors --slim --w=1440 --h=900 --theme=white --weather=brxx0043
conky-colors --board --w=1440 --h=900 --theme=cyan
For a working photo widget you need to specify a file or directory in conkyPhoto or conkyPhotoRandom script in ~/.conkycolors/bin/
Update your font cache:
$sudo fc-cache -v -f
and finnaly
in terminal copy paste
conky -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc.
To run conky at startup, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications, click "Add" and add the path to the conkyStart file
spesial thanks to devianart
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